Wednesday, November 28, 2012


It was Katelyn's idea to dress up as a family like the "Brave" characters... I made our costumes and had a great time putting things together with a little budget. Sean is the hardest one to recognize. So funny!

Of Course Merida...

A Viking "Suitor"

The Father "Vercus"

One of the little Brother's who turns into a bear...

The Mother and Queen...

Us at our ward party...

Yes Sean is wearing a kilt... haha

Grandma Nancy sent this kit to make these. So cute!

Katelyn and I made this wreath from the weeds in a vacant lot by our house.  Such pretty colors!


Kit-Kat said...

You always do a really good job on Halloween! : )

Maddie said...

Rachel you did s GREAT JOB! They turned out really good and you all look so much like the characters : )